Yu Feng @ SJTU

The John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science @ SJTU


SEIEE, Building 3, Room 3-301B

Email: y-feng at sjtu dot edu dot cn

I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the John Hopcroft Center for Computer Science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am also a member of the Emerging Parallel Computing Center.

Before joining SJTU, I obtained my Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Rochester. During my Ph.D., I worked with Prof. Yuhao Zhu. My main research interest is about efficient and high-performance Mobile Visual Computing. This topic is not only about how machines perceive visual information, but also how machines present visual information to us! My current interests include but are not limited to in-sensor computing, point cloud-based computing and XR rendering.

Please drop me an email if you are interested in working with me.


Aug 09, 2024 One paper accepted to TACO.
Jul 19, 2024 We hold 4 Top Conference Sharing sessions on CCF Chip 2024!
Mar 20, 2024 Two papers accepted to ISCA, see you at Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Mar 01, 2024 Joined SJTU!

selected publications

  1. TACO
    Potamoi: Accelerating Neural Rendering via a Unified Streaming Architecture
    Yu Feng*, Weikai Lin* , Zihao Liu , Jingwen Leng , Minyi Guo , Han Zhao , Xiaofeng Hou , Jieru Zhao , and Yuhao Zhu
    In ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization , 2024
  2. ISCA
    Cicero: Real-Time Neural Rendering by Radiance Warping and Memory Optimizations
    Yu Feng, Zihao Liu , Jingwen Leng , Minyi Guo , and Yuhao Zhu
    In Proceedings of the 51th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2024
  3. ISCA
    BlissCam: Boosting Eye Tracking Efficiency with Learned In-Sensor Sparse Sampling
    Yu Feng*, Tianrui Ma* , Yuhao Zhu , and Xuan Zhang
    In Proceedings of the 51th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2024
  4. ISCA
    Camj: Enabling system-level energy modeling and architectural exploration for in-sensor visual computing
    Tianrui Ma* , Yu Feng*, Xuan Zhang , and Yuhao Zhu
    In Proceedings of the 50th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2023
  5. ISCA
    Crescent: taming memory irregularities for accelerating deep point cloud analytics
    Yu Feng, Gunnar Hammonds , Yiming Gan , and Yuhao Zhu
    In Proceedings of the 49th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2022
  6. IEEE VR
    Real-time gaze tracking with event-driven eye segmentation
    Yu Feng, Nathan Goulding-Hotta , Asif Khan , Hans Reyserhove , and Yuhao Zhu
    In 2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) , 2022
  7. MICRO
    Mesorasi: Architecture support for point cloud analytics via delayed-aggregation
    Yu Feng*, Boyuan Tian* , Tiancheng Xu* , Paul Whatmough , and Yuhao Zhu
    In 2020 53rd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO) , 2020
  8. MICRO
    Asv: Accelerated stereo vision system
    Yu Feng, Paul Whatmough , and Yuhao Zhu
    In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture , 2019
  9. ISCA
    Pes: Proactive event scheduling for responsive and energy-efficient mobile web computing
    Yu Feng, and Yuhao Zhu
    In Proceedings of the 46th International Symposium on Computer Architecture , 2019